We have cared for the Shire’s hearing for over a decade.
Everyday we welcome customers old and new providing the best care and service to make sure that they all get to experience and enjoy every sound that life throws at us.
Care for children.
Sound is the door to speech. Speech is a powerful tool for children and young adults to communicate, and learn and make friendships. We offer hearing tests and assessments for children from 3.5 years of age.
It is difficult to know if a child can hear well or not. That is why most babies in Australia have a screening test at birth for their hearing. However, some children are born with good hearing and develop a loss later on. This hearing loss could be temporary or permanent but either way it could have an effect on their speech development or their school performance.
Our tests vary from live puppet shows to play audiometry. We test the children in a friendly environment and use positive encouragement to achieve the best possible results.
Signs to look out for in older children may include:
delayed speech development
not responding when called
difficulty working out which direction a sound comes from
persistently turning the TV louder than other members of the family
changes in behaviour such as becoming tired and frustrated, poor concentration, preferring to play alone
changes in their educational progress
suffering frequent ear infections
Care for Adults.
We understand that we are all busy. Thats why we offer 5 minute hearing tests that you can have on your lunch break! But what we really work hard to provide is taking away any stress or worries you may have with hearing loss.
From working out how to cover your hearing loss through your work cover. To tackling hearing loss as a team, getting the right equipment to suit you and your lifestyles needs. Our expert team know all the answers and are hear as your second aid, providing all the detail and information you need to make sure your everyday is as easy and enjoyable as it can be.
Care for Seniors & Pensioners.
We offer hearing tests and assessments for seniors & pensioners all over Sydney. If you would like to learn more about what we offer please feel free to contact us today or continue reading. If you are a Pensioner or Veterans’ Affairs client you may be entitled to Free Services.
If at any stage you feel you need to speak to anyone about the government Hearing services program and your entitlements, please feel free to ring one of our friendly staff at Cronulla (02) 9544 4466 or Engadine (02) 9520 4774 where they will be more than happy to discuss with you and send out information packs to make the application process as easy as possible for all concerned.
We are here to help.
Welcome back the sounds that matter most, and improve your quality of life.