Hearing loss: The facts
& what you need to know.
What is hearing loss?
Hearing loss is when you struggle to hear clearly or when you notice your hearing is reduced from what you once knew. Hearing loss can be caused by any number of factors, though exposure to extreme noise and age are common causes. In Australia, over half the nation experiences hearing loss after the age of 60 and this number only increases as you get older. The good news is with the right care, technology and planning we can help offset and counter hearing loss effectively.
Signs of hearing loss.
Asking people to repeat themselves.
Your family complaining the TV volume is up too loud.
A ringing or buzzing sound in your ears.
Straining to hear in noisy situations.
Missing out on everyday sounds.
How well do you hear?
Use our online hearing check to gauge how well you think you hear. Its just a few short questions followed by an audio test. This can help measure your hearing and establish how you can better hear life’s best sounds!
“This was a huge step for me to make this decision and the patience that both Rachel and Glen showed me has made the whole process extremely successful, and pleasant.”
— Pam Matthews, Pensioner