Free hearing aid trial


Book a FREE hearing aid trial

Or Call (02) 9544 4466

It’s all about finding the right solution for you.

We’re not here to sell one brand or another. We’re here to help you welcome back the sounds that matter most.

We’re often asked the question: “What is the difference between this heading aid and that hearing aid?”

We always allow you to trial the differences in offerings, so that you know you’ve made the right choice.
We’re well stocked and carry offerings from many leading manufacturers, and will encourage you to trial our solutions before committing.

We will let you trial a device for a couple of weeks, hassle free!
Solutions for your personality.

Solutions for your personality.

What will suit my lifestyle and my needs?

Your lifestyle.

If you lead an active lifestyle you should consider premium or advanced hearing instruments, as these are able to adapt to the widest variety of sounds, including noisy environments, without requiring constant adjustments.

We also have solutions for “stay-at-home” types who enjoy books & movies, a glass of wine in front of the fireplace, or gardening.

Your communication needs.

Where you would like to be able to hear better? Do you have trouble communicating when socialising with friends, or when you are in a busy place?

We always consider the environments you’re in so we can deliver a great result. Your family and close friends can even help us in understanding your communication needs.

Your technology.

Better hearing does not just include hearing in face-to-face situations, but also listening to electronic audio sources. These might include everyday devices you use such as your telephone, television, and radio. At Shire Hearing, we have solutions which integrate with the technology you require day-to-day.

What you can expect.


Hearing tests

We offer short 5 minute hearing tests for those who have little time and more extensive tests if wanted or needed. Our tests are carried out by skilled and caring Audiologists that only have your best interests at heart.


Free services

We offer hearing tests and assessments for seniors and pensioners all over the Sutherland Shire. If you would like to learn more about what we offer, please feel free to contact us today. If you are a Pensioner or Veteran (DVA) you may be entitled to free services.

Children’s hearing tests

When it comes to children we know and understand any worries a parent or child may have. Our specialised children’s booths are fun, entertaining and take away any fears your child may have, allowing us to provide the best treatment.

“What a blessing it has been to deal with Shire Hearing and their friendly staff. I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking assistance with their hearing.”

— Peter Geelan

Don’t miss out on the sounds that matter most.

Discover what better hearing can offer you.