Find the right fit for you.
Sizing the right solution.
As a general rule, those harder of hearing will require larger hearing aids. At Shire Hearing, we’re up to date with the most advanced hearing aid technology. We offer a wide range of styles and sizes to accommodate all hearing needs, and our expert hearing professionals will ensure you have the best options made available to you. Having the right solution means Shire Hearing can always deliver excellent results.
We’re independent.
A proudly independent and family owned business, Shire Hearing always provides un-biased, expert advice. We’re not here to push one brand above another; instead our focus is on achieving the best result for you. We offer solutions from all of the leading hearing aid manufacturers, and so we’re best placed to deliver a fantastic result.
Free hearing aid trials.
At Shire Hearing, you’re in control. We provide both expert advice and solutions, empowering you to choose the right hearing solution for you.
We often get asked - “Why is this hearing aid so much more expensive?”
At Shire Hearing, our answer is always - “Trial it! Give it a go, experience the difference!”
We want you to make an informed and confident decision, with the knowledge that all the best options are in front of you. Shire Hearing is all about a long lasting relationship with you throughout your hearing journey.
We know its hard to make a judgement on hearing aids performance in a clinic room as it’s just not representative of “real life”, so we encourage you to try our hearing aids for a couple of weeks so you can find the best solution. It’s when you’re among your family, loved ones, friends and colleagues where you’ll truly be able to test a hearing aid properly.
Solutions for your personality.
What will suit my lifestyle and my needs?
Your lifestyle.
If you lead an active lifestyle you should consider premium or advanced hearing instruments, as these are able to adapt to the widest variety of sounds, including noisy environments, without requiring constant adjustments.
We also have solutions for “stay-at-home” types who enjoy books & movies, a glass of wine in front of the fireplace, or gardening.
Your communication needs.
Where you would like to be able to hear better? Do you have trouble communicating when socialising with friends, or when you are in a busy place?
We always consider the environments you’re in so we can deliver a great result. Your family and close friends can even help us in understanding your communication needs.
Your technology.
Better hearing does not just include hearing in face-to-face situations, but also listening to electronic audio sources. These might include everyday devices you use such as your telephone, television, and radio. At Shire Hearing, we have solutions which integrate with the technology you require day-to-day.
Your style.
We’ve solutions both stylish or discreet. Or both! With many styles and colours to choose from it’s easy to find a hearing solution that suits your style.
Your solution.
Sound is perceived differently from person to person. Depending on what you do, where you go, and how you meet with people should inform your hearing aid choice. You’ll always have all of the best options in front of you at Shire Hearing.
Find my hearing solution!
Shire Hearing has clinics which are conveniently throughout the Sutherland Shire!