COVID-19 Update


Hearing care is an essential service and as such, Shire Hearing remains open. We have ensured that all protective measures are in place in all of our clinics.

Currently we are only seeing children over the age of 5 as we feel that this age group can safely understand social distancing procedures.

We are practicing social distancing, sterilising with hospital grade sterilant, washing hands regularly and wearing PPE. You’ll be required to sign in at the door, and to wear a mask during your appointment.

We are also maintaining larger gaps between appointments so that we have time to properly and thoroughly sterilise the clinics between patients. As always, your well being is our priority.

Lock downs can lead to a drastically increased feeling of isolation and loneliness. If your loved ones aren’t able to reach us due to current restrictions, we encourage you to bring in their hearing devices on their behalf so that they can be cleaned and maintained as normal. Lock downs are tough enough as is, and especially so for the hearing impaired, so let’s help our loved ones and make their lock down a little easier.

For any new time wearers wanting new hearing aids, or those replacing their old hearing aids, remote programming is available. Please ring us and one of our friendly Audiologists will be more than happy to go through this option with you.

If there is anything Shire Hearing can do to help you, please be in contact.


Microsuction Earwax Removal


Product of the month: Roger Table Mic II